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Napata College Medical Students Association Clinical Treatment Day in El-Sendudab Village

The Clinical Treatment Day took place in the area’s Health Centre.

The medical team reached the Centre at 9:30 am and started its activities at 10:00 am. With three clinics:

  • Participating students from different levels (1 – 5) 37 students.

  • Doctors 10.

  • Laboratory: 6 lab- specialists and 2 assistants.

  • Pharmacy: 2

  • Provided services:

  • – internal medicine clinic

  • – pediatric clinic

  • – gynaecology clinic.

  • – laboratory and pharmacy.

  • The activities were carried for 8 hours till 5:00 pm with a break for 1 hour.

  • – internal clinic: 6 doctors – 190 individuals were treated.

Clinical Treatment Day in elSendudab Village

Work proceeded as follows:

  • Internal medicine clinic: 4 doctors – 156 cases were treated

  • Paediatricclinic: 4 doctors, one of them is a paediatric consultant – 130 cases were treated.

  • Gynaecology clinic: 1 specialist – 60 cases were treated.

  • An accompanying outreach and health awareness programme was carried in the waiting halls and in front of the clinics and discussed the following issues:

  • – anaemia and healthy nutrition.

  • – the abuse of drugs.

  • -proper treatment of individuals with special needs.

  • – psychological disorders and how to treat its patients.


  • The Day was carried in esSendudab area of the Southern Countryside, Omdurman.

  • The villages that benefited from the activities: esSendudab and four other neighbouringvillages.

  • Diseases prevalent in the area:

  • – Internal and Paediattric Clinic: (Malaria, Giardiasis, UTIs, Typhoid, URTIs, etc.) – all types of infectious diseases and anaemia.

  • – Gynaecology: (PID, Pre-eclampsia)

  • Problems:

  • – laboratory

– finances: transportation of drugs with 12,000 deficit

Visits: 103