Napata Scientific Journal ( NSJ ) :
Call for papers ➡ ➡
Napata Scientific Journal (NSJ ) , announces the call for Manuscripts for the December 2020.
🔴 NSJ is a research journal with double peer review, which is published by Napata College in Sudan.
🔴 NSJ issues include high quality Original Research Articles, Reviews, Short Communications and Case Reports.
🔴 Accepted papers will be published on line at .
🔴 Authors are invited to submit papers to the upcoming Edition of NSJ in December -2020.
🔴 Submission must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated in this journal.
🔴 The full Manuscript must be submitted electronically to the email
🔴 The Manuscript should comply with napata scentific journal authors guidelines .see the web site .
Key dates
Date of publication December 2020
Email for manuscript submission:
For more information, click on the link below:
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