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Napata College leaps forward globally, in the Arab and African countries in the International Classification of Universities (WEBOMETRICS)

Napata College has achieved a great leap forward in the first issue of the year 2023 of the International Classification of Universities. Globally it rose up 738 points. In the Arab World it rose up 31 points. In the African Continent it was up 63, and 25 points rise within the group of North African Countries. These outstanding achievements have come out of the multitude of efforts exerted in the previous year in the fields of development of curricula, training, quality control and the vast improvement in electronic learning. There is great determination to the continuation of the College’s progress and scientific modernization achieved through research and scientific conferences.
It should be mentioned that the Classification depends on a number of parameters for evaluation that include:
and Impact.

Rank Jan 2022 Aug 2022 Result Jan 2023 Result
World Rank 28344 28185 159 27447 738
Country Rank 52 54 2 54 ـــ
Arab World Rank 1145 1126 19 1095 31
Continental Ranking 1141 1713 572 1650 63
North Africa 588 572 16 547 25
Impact Rank 52 54 2 54 ـــ
Openness Rank 16 37 21 25 12
Excellence Rank 39 45 6 57 12

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