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Napata College’s Participation in WHOs Informal Consultation for PLWNCDs and MHCs

WHO’s Informal Consultation for PLWNCDs and MHCs in Africa

Napata College was invited to attend yet again another online meeting hosted by the WHO about People Living with Non-Communicable Diseases and Mental Health Conditions in Africa.

The meeting was held on the 27th and 28th of April and spoke about their needs and how we can help and improve the lives of these people and the barriers and beliefs within the African region.

Dr. Rudaina Ismail Osman was the presenter of Napata College during this meeting, and was delighted to be a member in this interactive and impactful meeting.

This meeting was filled with rewarding ideas and powerful commentaries from the participants, and as stated by the WHO all the opinions that were mentioned will be taking us a step further.

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