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The Dental and Dental Surgery Program at Napata college visited Al-sarorab , Hala Al-karahleh and hala Al-bhairab , to make aclinics to clean gums and extract molers.

On Friday 11 l 11, the dental and dental surgery program at Napata college visited Al-sarorab , Hala Al-karahleh and hala Al-bhairab , to make aclinics to clean gums and extract molers.

Where visitors to the region recommended this visit.

Moving time from college :8:00

Time of arrival to al-sarorab : 9:30

The doctors:

Number of specialists: 2

Dr. mohammed almobarak – maxillofacial surery

Sara – maxillofacial surery

General practitioners : 3

Housofficers : 7

Doctors in training : 3

Fifth year students :25

Fourth year students : 10

Patients who  came :

Outpatient clinic (380)

Health education (550)

Surgery: normal extraction (90), surgical extraction (10) , root removal (55)

Sporadic cases: 55 patients where transferred to college.

Periodontal clinic(85)

Peado clinic : extraction (35) , preventive fluoride sessions (40)

*some medicines were also distributed after being prescribed by the doctors in mosquito village .

The medical day began in the village of al-sarorab in the northan countryside of omdorman from 9:30 untill two in afternoon, when we completed all the registerd cases . we moved to mosquito village  in order to start work there , due to presence of amedical convay .

The medical convoy of Napata College was welcomed  by the villages and they gave us certificates of appreciation.

We promise them to repeat the medical day again

The pictures tells a lot. The students did not feel tired until they returned.. We benefited from any case.. We hope that it will be written in the scale of the college’s merits. all thanks to the adminstration of Napata college represented by Professor Al-Zubayr Taha and all those in charge of us. return:Moving time: : 6:30Arrival time: : 8:00

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