Code |
Duration |
Location: |
Fees (2022-2023): |
833-6-721100 |
5 Years (10 Semesters) |
Coordinator’s name:
DR Meisa Elmamoun
The Goals and Objectives of MBBS Curriculum :
The main objective of medical education is to produce physicians who are prepared to serve the fundamental purposes of medicine. As such, physicians must have attained the capabilities to shoulder their individual and collective responsibilities to society. In concordance, medical educators must develop learning objectives for medical education programs that ensure an achievement of those capabilities.
In our attempt to layout the NAPATA medical program objectives we benefited from the directives and Provisions of Sudanese Federal Ministry of High Education as well as WFME (Word Federation of Medical Education) publications, in addition to plans of Sudanese Medical Education Institutions. There is virtually a general consensus that four physicians attributes are necessary for a good physician; being knowledgeable, altruistic, skillful and dutiful.
For its part the NAPATA medical syllabus was laid out to ensure that before graduation a student will have demonstrated, to the satisfaction of the faculty, the following:
Being knowledgeable including:
Knowledge of the normal structure and function of the body.
Knowledge of the molecular, biochemical, and cellular mechanisms.
Knowledge of the various causes of maladies.
Knowledge of the altered structure and function (pathology and pathophysiology) of the body seen in various diseases and conditions.
An understanding of the power of the scientific method in establishing the causation of disease and efficacy of traditional and non-traditional therapies.
An understanding of the need to engage in medical learning.
Being altruistic including:
Knowledge of the theories and principles that govern ethical decision making.
Compassionate treatment of patients, and respect for their privacy and dignity.
Honesty and integrity in all interactions with patients’ including families, colleagues, and others.
An understanding of, and respect for, the roles of other health care professionals.
A commitment to advocate at all times the interests of one’s patients over one’s own interests.
An understanding of the various threats to medical professionalism.
The capacity to recognize and accept limitations in one’s knowledge and clinical skills, and a commitment to continuously improve one’s knowledge and ability.
Being skillful including:
The ability to obtain an accurate medical history.
The ability to perform both a complete and an organ system specific examination, including a mental status examination.
The ability to perform routine technical procedures.
The ability to interpret the results of commonly used diagnostic procedures.
Knowledge of the most frequent clinical, laboratory, roentgenologic, and pathologic manifestations of common maladies.
The ability to reason deductively in solving clinical problems.
The ability to construct appropriate management strategies (both diagnostic and therapeutic) for patients with common conditions.
The ability to recognize patients with immediately life threatening cardiac, pulmonary, or neurological conditions regardless of etiology, and to institute appropriate initial therapy.
The ability to recognize and outline an initial course of management for patients with serious conditions requiring critical care.
Knowledge about relieving pain and ameliorating the suffering of patients.
The ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, with patients and relevant others.
Being dutiful including:
Knowledge of the important non-biological determinants of poor health.
Knowledge of the epidemiology of common maladies within the Sudanese population, and the systematic approaches useful in reducing the incidence and prevalence of those maladies.
The ability to identify factors that place individuals at risk for disease or injury, and to determine strategies for responding appropriately.
The ability to retrieve, manage, and utilize biomedical information for solving problems.
Knowledge of various approaches to the organization, financing, and delivery of health care.
A commitment to provide care for members of traditionally underserved populations.
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