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Digital Repository

About Digital Repository NapataSpace

Napata College Library acquires, preserves, and provides access service to materials in digital formats that are essential to the research and teaching missions of Napata College, and provide services to members of the Napata community (faculty, students, and staff) around these tools and resources.

Focus areas

The two primary Focus Areas for NapataSpace repository services are Library Collections and Napata Scholars. These are further categorized into the following groups:

  • Digitized collections

Napata Library continues to acquire and provide access to unique and important print and multimedia, such as references, archival, and audio & visual materials. These materials are made available in NapataSpace. The digital collections program digitizes and preserves many of these materials and makes them easily searchable and openly accessible to all via internet.

  • Open Access to scholarly publications

Napata Library in cooperation with Napata Research & Innovation Center (NRIC) support an open access publication repository (NapataSpace) where Napata Scholars can deposit their scholarly publications and make them available to anyone with an internet connection.

  • Napata Scientific Journal

NapataSpace work as a platform for electronic version of Napata Scientific Journal, NSJ is open access multidisciplinary journal, publishing impactful research papers and reviews in any area of science, in both disciplinary-specific and broad, interdisciplinary areas.

  • Electronic Theses and Dissertations

The NapataSpace repository also provides access to theses, dissertations and projects of Napata graduate students.

Digital Repository

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