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Quality education had been then as it is now in Napata college, the primary inspirational goal.


To be globally recognized for shaping knowledgeable, skillful, altruistic, and dutiful graduates who are capable of conducting contextually relevant research and promoting their best occupational ideals in their working environment.


Upholding our educational values of responsibility respect, faith and diligence we aspire to update the academic excellence of the Napatan civilization into the new millenniums.

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We believe that the mission of education is to contribute to the integrated construction of the personality and seek to strengthen the scientific spirit of initiative and flexibility of thought and renewed innovation.

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Bachelor Programs

About Napata

  • We believe that the mission of education is to contribute to the integrated construction of the personality and seek to strengthen the scientific spirit of initiative and flexibility of thought and renewed innovation.
  • We believe that higher education outcomes go beyond the rehabilitation of young people to work efficiently to include the provision of knowledge products and research and patents supporting economic and social development.
  • We hope to contribute our own bit in bringing about the desired social transformation in our societies 

Reach us using maps

College Campus 1

Alriyadh , Mashtal Street ,Block 10

College Campus 2

Kafoury ,North Algantara traffic light ,Block 11

The main objective of specializations in the medical field

is to produce health professionals who are prepared to serve the fundamental purposes of human health.Napata medical programs objectives we benefited from the provisions of:

Sudanese federal ministry of high education.

idea (international federation of dental educators and associations) publication

Sudanese medical education institutions

knowledgeable, altruistic, skillful and dutiful.

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