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International Workshop as part of this project on “Water Purification Technologies, Arsenic Removal from Groundwater and Integrated Water Management” during 28-30 June, 2022.

International Workshop as part of this project on “Water Purification Technologies, Arsenic Removal from Groundwater and Integrated Water Management” during 28-30 June, 2022.

Subject:    Project on “Reducing Arsenic Exposure from Food and Water in Developing Countries – A Road Map for Technological Solutions for the Future” under partial support from PGTF/G-77

Greetings from the Centre for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Centre)!!

2        As you are aware, the NAM S&T Centre is currently executing a collaborative project on “Reducing Arsenic Exposure from Food and Water in Developing Countries – A Road Map for Technological Solutions for the Future” under partial support from G77/PGTF.

3        The project is essentially aimed at capacity building through HRD and technology transfer in the NAM and other developing countries – to cope with the serious consequences of Arsenic contamination of ground water in developing countries and provide a roadmap for low cost technological solutions for the removal of Arsenic from the groundwater in order to minimize the exposure of the people to this toxic element from food and water.

The Project will be implemented over a period of 2 years, and is being partially supported by the G-77. The progress of the Project will be monitored by the UN Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC), New York.

4        In this connection, the NAM S&T Centre, jointly with the CSIR-Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute (CSIR-CSMCRI), Bhavnagar, Gujarat, India announce the organization of an International Workshop as part of this project on “Water Purification Technologies, Arsenic Removal from Groundwater and Integrated Water Management” during 28-30 June, 2022. CSMCRI will host the Workshop at Bhavnagar, Gujarat, India in Hybrid Mode.

5        The Workshop has been primarily designed for the Country Coordinators designated for this project by the Focal Points of the NAM S&T Centre in its Member Countries or their representatives nominated by these countries; and suitable Experts/Water Technology Professionals from any other countries interested to participate in the Workshop.

6      Fourteen countries, viz. Bhutan, Egypt, India, Iran, Malaysia, Mauritius, Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria, Palestine, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Togo and Zambia have already confirmed their participation in this collaborative project and nominated their Country Coordinators for the project. Other Member Countries of the NAM S&T Centre and any other developing countries are also welcome to nominate representatives to participate in this Workshop.

7        Applications for participation may be submitted in the prescribed form (as given below) to the NAM S&T Centre as early as possible but latest before 14 June 2022. The form should be completed in all respects and sent along with other documents as e-mail attachments to the NAM S&T Centre at

          Following documents must be submitted as e-mail attachments:

  1. Filled in Nomination Form (Blank form enclosed)

  2. Opinion (a short paragraph; in MS-Word format) how you qualify to participate in the Workshop

  3. A short CV (maximum two pages; in MS-Word format) [Format Enclosed]

  4. An Extended Abstract (in MS-Word only) of the Paper that would be presented at the Workshop – Preferably a Country Status Report or a Scientific Article related to the problem of Arsenic contamination in ground water and remediation measures adopted in your country at present.

Please Note that it is mandatory for all the participants to present a paper during the Workshop, and submit the full manuscript of the paper before the commencement of the Workshop.

Note: The documents at (ii), (iii) and (iv) above must be in MS-Word format only; PDF or image files will not be accepted. Hard copies of the Application Form and the above attachments are NOT REQUIRED to be submitted.

All correspondence may please be made by emailKindly avoid sending us fax messages or hard copies to save paper and energy.

8        Also, please note that:

a)  Selection of applicants will be made based on their academic and professional background, and relevance of their current engagements in the field.

b) Other details are available in the attached Announcement.

c)  Information on the Member Countries and S&T-Industry Network Members of the NAM S&T Centre and names/addresses of the Focal Points in these countries/organisations may be seen on the Centre’s website

d) English will be the official language of the Workshop.

With my best regards,

Yours sincerely,

Amitava Bandopadhyay, Ph. D.

Director General, NAM S&T Centre


Dr. Amitava Bandopadhyay,

Director General,

Centre for Science & Technology of Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries

(NAM S&T Centre),

Core 6A, 2nd Floor,

India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road,

NEW DELHI – 110 003 (INDIA)

Ph. 🙁 +91) (11) 24645134/24644974 (O)

Fax: (+91) (11) 24644973



Workshop Announcemnet_PGTF_Integrated Water Mngmnt and Arsenic Removal_ GW_28-30 June 2022

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