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Sudan International University hosts the ninth meeting of the technical committee of the student creativity course



Sudan International University hosts the ninth meeting of the technical committee of the student creativity course

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Abdul Ghaffar Ali Hamad, Dean of Student Activity at Napata College, President of the Student Creativity Mashael Course, the ninth meeting of the Technical Committee, which was held this morning at the International University of Sudan, where Dr. Eshraqa, the Secretary of Scientific Affairs at the university, praises the idea of the course, and confirms the university’s full readiness to receive all sports and cultural competitions at the university.
On the other hand, he praised A. Dr. Bakri Othman, President of the Federation of African Universities and Rector of the University, on the initiative of deans of student activity, stressing the urgent need for extracurricular activities for university students, when he met with the president of the course.

In addition, Dr. Al-Fateh Suleiman, consultant of sports psychology and sports supervisor of Al-Nahda College and member of the sports committee, the final touches of the beginning of the sports competition for the session were completed. The meeting reviewed the work of the committees of the financial, cultural and scientific session. In this regard, a small executive committee of specialised committees was formed to follow up the preparations necessary for the start of these thrilling events.
The meeting praised Al-Nahda College and its constant readiness to provide the activities of the session with qualified cadres, and suggested that the Department of Information Work for the course be responsible for it.

The head of the Student Creativity Mashael course confirmed that the city of Khartum is promised in the next few years the largest scientific, cultural and sports student demonstration hosted by private universities and colleges in Khartum. He pointed out that the activities of the course include, in addition to cultural and sports programs, accompanying educational and social programs, and exhibitions of the Sudanese national heritage. The surprise of the course will be represented in exhibitions for students from more than 80 nationalities from brotherly and friendly countries from the continents of Asia, Africa and the Arab countries as the first event of its kind in Sudan.

He noted that the door is open to all companies, banks and various institutions for full or partial sponsorship of the course.

He praised the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research for agreeing to hold this student event and making it an effective attraction for higher education students from all countries.

And he praised the attention and close follow-up of the deans of student activity in the university institutions participating in the course. It is worth mentioning that this course was launched as an initiative of Napata College, and found acceptance and wide interaction from everyone, which motivated us to continue meetings to make multiple events successful.

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