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The Association of Medical and Surgery Students

Out of their belief in their responsibility towards society and their belief in the great message that the association carries, the Association is currently implementing and has been throughout the month of February various and exciting activities that include seminars, awareness lectures, community visits and exhibitions, coinciding with the celebration of the World Cancer Day.
In a meeting of the delegate of the website accompanying the events with the poet Nidal Al-Hajj, head of the association, she confirmed her sayings
((It has and will always be obligated upon us, medical students, to do everything we could to improve and serve our society healthy.
We decided that February would be a date for a new activity. We ask God to help us achieve what we aspire to.
As it sets off globally this month to celebrate the World Cancer Day, (the disease that has worn out many and was one of the main causes of most deaths around the world.)
It is worth noting that the events will be launched under the slogan (Capable) from 4/2/2022 until the end of the month with a number of plans and programs that will be implemented successively during the month.
Mainly aiming to increase awareness of the disease, and to know the early warning signs, and advice on improving life-style habits which could possibly play a role in prevention of the cancer.
A group from the association made field visits to a number of patients in different locations and gave out gifts, raised awareness and moral support.
On the other hand, Prof. Abdul Ghaffar Ali Hamad, Secretary of Student Affairs at the College, praised the poet Nidal Al-Hajj, a student at the fifth level at the College of Medicine and Surgery, for her effective leadership of the association and the impact it has on the student activity at various levels and directions. At the same time, he praised all members of the association’s executive office for their great sense of social responsibility and loyalty to the community and the values ​​of the College of Napata.

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#World_anticancer day
#Association of medical and surgical students at Napta College

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