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Upcoming researches in regards to COVID-19 at Napata College

Napata Research and Innovation Centre Upcoming researches in regards to COVID-19 at Napata College Our staff at Napata Research & Innovation Centre never fails to astonish us with their outstanding research ideas. A meeting conducted during the 12th of February 13, 2022 has opened a gate filled with research ideas which will be implemented very soon regarding COVID-19, and its potential effects on the liver within the Sudanese population as… Read More »Upcoming researches in regards to COVID-19 at Napata College

A congratulatory message to all of  the Islamic world

Napata College family sends a congratulatory message to all of  the Islamic world on the occasion of the blessed Hijri New Year  1443 .Our family asks God Almighty to grant you continued health and wellness, and wishes you a year of goodness, mercy and forgiveness. Views: 467


REMEMBERING A MURABBI SESSION The academics, students and alumni of the International Islamic University Malaysia and the whole Psychology community are in deep sorrow on the passing of the great Professor Malik Badri on February 8th, 2021. Prof Malik Badri was a Professor in Department of Psychology, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (KRKHS); and the Chair of Ibnu Khaldun, IIUM. In relation to this, the Kulliyyah of… Read More »REMEMBERING A MURABBI SESSION

International Workshop on “Energy Security and Energy Access: Health Implications of Poor Energy Quality in Developing Countries” [In Virtual Mode]

The Centre for Science and Technology of Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Centre) International Workshop on “Energy Security and Energy Access: Health Implications of Poor Energy Quality in Developing Countries” [In Virtual Mode] Greetings from the Centre for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Centre)!! Energy is an essential part of innovation, progress and life. It plays vital roles, directly as well… Read More »International Workshop on “Energy Security and Energy Access: Health Implications of Poor Energy Quality in Developing Countries” [In Virtual Mode]

Training Workshop at Napata College

Amidst a festive and joyful atmosphere, the second and third rounds of the Medical Education Workshop Series held in Napata College were concluded 2 days ago. The sessions were held from the 4th to the 18th of February 2021, entailing the below topics: 💠 Principal Skills of Teamwork, Leadership, and Communication . 💠 Fundamentals of Public Speaking and Presentation Skills. 💠 Conflict Management Skills and Negotiation Tactics.   The session… Read More »Training Workshop at Napata College


OSCE Exam This is OSCE Exam Fifth year medical student at Napata College Students have the opportunity to demonstrate proficiency in communication, history taking, physical examination, clinical reasoning, and medical knowledge and to integrate these skills into a unified medical scenario. The evaluation that is done by the external and internal examiners . We thank them very much and appreciate their help.       Views: 384

A review on SARS-CoV-2: the origin, taxonomy, transmission, diagnosis, clinical manifestations, treatment and prophylaxis

A review on SARS-CoV-2: the origin, taxonomy, transmission, diagnosis, clinical manifestations, treatment and prophylaxis Hilmi Zahir Abbas The Link:- Scientific paper:- A_review_on_SARS-CoV-2_the_origin_taxonomy_transmi   Views: 443

Online Learning the New Normal Post Covid-19, International Conference organised by the World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD) October 2020

Online Learning the New Normal Post Covid-19, International Conference organised by the World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD) October 2020 CALL FOR PAPERS   Online Learning the New Normal Post Covid-19   International Conference organised by World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD)     October 2020 Video Conference    As a result of the global coronavirus pandemic, for the first time since its inception all conferences organised by the World… Read More »Online Learning the New Normal Post Covid-19, International Conference organised by the World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD) October 2020

(COSSH) Hazards Treatment In lab Sessions

(COSSH) Hazards Treatment In lab Sessions The laboratory administration at the College of Napata. conducted a workshop on occupational safety and dealing with laboratory hazards … The workshop was inaugurated by Professor Al-Zubair Bashir Taha, Dean of the College, with a speech in which he explained the importance of safety standards in practical lectures and pointed to the importance of distance education and the need to proceed with it in… Read More »(COSSH) Hazards Treatment In lab Sessions

Corona Virus (COVID-19)

As part of the interaction with the spread of the Corona Virus (COVID-19), the Department of Laboratories at the College of Napata has published some basic protection measures against the Corona Virus approved and transmitted by the World Health OrganizationThe work team prepared a hand sanitizer in the college labs according to the formula approved by the World Health Organization and distributed it for free. Basic protective measures against the… Read More »Corona Virus (COVID-19)

 a paragraph playing solo on the violin

 a paragraph playing solo on the violin   The student at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Ahmed khalid , presented a paragraph playing solo on the violin 1-perfect ed sheeran  2-rockabye anne marie  For listening to the Audio enter the link below: Perfect Ed Sheeran   Views: 492

Quality day workshop :■□ Fundamentals of Quality assurance ■□

Quality day workshop : ■□ Fundamentals of Quality assurance ■□ presented by : *professor. yasir hanafi Yousif Ali. Associated professor of surgery. MBBS UofK – MD in clinical surgery U of K -FRCS UK – Certificate of training in cardiothoracic surgery Turkey -standard ECFMG USA-Associate fellow in cardiology USA . Dr.Nahid Osman Ahmed B. Pharm, MSc, PhD Assistant Professor Clinical Pharmacy Pharmacy Program Coordinator Dr. Muna Mahgoub Gaffar Elnusairi BDS,MSc,DGZI,MFDRCSI… Read More »Quality day workshop :■□ Fundamentals of Quality assurance ■□