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Napata Research & Innovation Center (NRIC) Meeting

Napata Research & Innovation Center (NRIC) held its regular Meeting presided by Prof Hassan Abu Aisha, the Director, which included different items the most essential of which was the meeting between Napata Centre and the National Centre for Water Research of the Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources represented by Eng. Bereir Ibrahim el Haj, Water Research, Dr. Mohammed el Jamri, Sudan University of Science and Technology Dr. Adam Mohammed,… Read More »Napata Research & Innovation Center (NRIC) Meeting

Napata College Participation in Mashael Tournament

Napata College has participated in Mashael Students’ Creativity Tournament for Private Universities and Colleges which was held under the auspices of Prof Mohammed Hassan Dahab, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research. 16 universities and colleges participated in the event. Napata College has participated in football and other activities and achieved good results in the different aspects of the Tournament: In the cultural activities; the first place in photography and… Read More »Napata College Participation in Mashael Tournament

Coming SOON… Napata College New Estate Development:

Napata College is working to provide a more comfortable and sustainable environment for Medicine, Medical Laboratories science and Dentistry Schools. A nine storey building is now under construction. The first phase of four storeys will be operational within 3 months, January 2023. Views: 133

Napata College Medical Students Association Clinical Treatment Day in El-Sendudab Village

The Clinical Treatment Day took place in the area’s Health Centre. The medical team reached the Centre at 9:30 am and started its activities at 10:00 am. With three clinics: Participating students from different levels (1 – 5) 37 students. Doctors 10. Laboratory: 6 lab- specialists and 2 assistants. Pharmacy: 2 Provided services: – internal medicine clinic – pediatric clinic – gynaecology clinic. – laboratory and pharmacy. The activities were… Read More »Napata College Medical Students Association Clinical Treatment Day in El-Sendudab Village

The Hate Speech Conference Report

The Hate Speech Conference was held on Sep, 29- 30, 2022, in a smart partnership between Napata Centre for Research and Creativity and the International Centre for Islamic Studies and Training. The most important recommendations were as follows: — The importance of building a strategy to combat hate speech and decree strict laws and legislations against those who propagate it. Beside to that, media should be urged to enhance social… Read More »The Hate Speech Conference Report

Alliance of World Scientists Releases A New Report & A Documentary

Alliance of World Scientists (which contains members from Napata college’s staff) has released World Scientists Warning of a Climate Emergency 2022 .In this short report, there are updates on 35 planetary vital signs and make policy recommendations for transformative change. This year’s report focuses on the devastating impacts of climate-related disasters that we are now seeing, including extreme flooding, heat waves, and wildfires.    The  film ““The Scientist’s Warning” has… Read More »Alliance of World Scientists Releases A New Report & A Documentary

Napata student closing their breast cancer awarness campaign

Napata student closing their breast cancer awarness campaign which started in female geriatrics home in Al-Sajana which closed in AL-Raayid female secondary school where nursing student with participation of dental students and medical laboratory students performed awareness sessions about breast cancer and educated them practicing of breast self-examination. Views: 64

Napata College won the first place in the course of the student creativity flares within the course of the scientific competition

Napata College won the first place in the course of the student creativity flares within the course of the scientific competition that was held today, Monday, November 14, 2022 AD at Al-Fajr College in the medical laboratory research on ice drug. Research presenters are students of the fourth-level medical laboratory program, Department of Hematology The students are: 1- Khaled Mohamed Ahmed 2- Muhammad Seif Al-Din Al-Tayeb 3- Mab al-Rih Ibrahim… Read More »Napata College won the first place in the course of the student creativity flares within the course of the scientific competition

The Dental and Dental Surgery Program at Napata college visited Al-sarorab , Hala Al-karahleh and hala Al-bhairab , to make aclinics to clean gums and extract molers.

On Friday 11 l 11, the dental and dental surgery program at Napata college visited Al-sarorab , Hala Al-karahleh and hala Al-bhairab , to make aclinics to clean gums and extract molers. Where visitors to the region recommended this visit. Moving time from college :8:00 Time of arrival to al-sarorab : 9:30 The doctors: Number of specialists: 2 Dr. mohammed almobarak – maxillofacial surery Sara – maxillofacial surery General practitioners… Read More »The Dental and Dental Surgery Program at Napata college visited Al-sarorab , Hala Al-karahleh and hala Al-bhairab , to make aclinics to clean gums and extract molers.

The Department of Pharmacology run for first time OSPE exam

Yesterday Saturday 5 November 2022, the department of pharmacology run for first time OSPE exam for third year student in pharmacy program for expeimental pharmacology The exam contained 15 stations at once, every station 4 minutes, 12 stations were evaluating students knowledge and 3 were proceudrual stations Views: 313

International Breast Cancer Day Report

Department of Dental Medicine and Surgery International Breast Cancer Day Report   Praise be to God, health awareness of the benefits of early detection of breast cancer has been carried out in conjunction with the International Breast Cancer Day in Napata College, Dental Clinic in Kafoury Building, under the supervision of Dr. Fatima Kanna and a number of coordinators. From various social groups coming from Khartoum – Bahri – Omdurman… Read More »International Breast Cancer Day Report

Napata College’s 2nd Basic Life Support Course in Collaboration with!

Dr. Rudaina I. Osman conducted her second Basic Life Support Course on the 19th of October in the Meeting Room at Napata College. The course attendee were the staff at Napata College from multiple faculties including Medicine, Dentistry, and Nursing. Savealife is an online re-certification website that provides courses like BLS, ACLS, AED, and much more! Their certificates are accredited 98% of the time and are located in Las Vegas.… Read More »Napata College’s 2nd Basic Life Support Course in Collaboration with!

Napata College: The 1st conference for advances in scientific research

Napata College: The 1st conference for advances in scientific research Research Manuscript guideline Research and innovation center The 1st conference for advances in scientific research Manuscript guideline TITLE: SHOULD BE TIMES NEW ROMAN 14, CAPITAL, AND BOLD. Subtitle: Should be Times new roman, 12, Bold, and italic. (Left aligned, 1 cm indent) Authors’ name(s) Affiliation(s) Corresponding author Abstract: Structured, Not exceeding 280 words, (Font Times New Roman, size 12). المستخلص… Read More »Napata College: The 1st conference for advances in scientific research