Exams of first year begins on Saturday 11th of February
First year student in Napata college are seated to their first semester’s exam.Napata Administration team wishes Good luck for all students. Views: 264
First year student in Napata college are seated to their first semester’s exam.Napata Administration team wishes Good luck for all students. Views: 264
In this post we share our favorite mobile applications (apk) with you, and we wish you suggest yours. Ayat (آيـــات هو برنامج قرآني شامل بمميزات فريدة يدعم أغلب أنظمة التشغيل ومترجم لأشهر اللغات العالمية. وتم استخدامه على أكثر من 1,000,000 جهاز حاسب حول العالم.) Translate between 103 languages by typing WhatsApp Messenger is a FREE messaging app available for Android and other smartphones. Do you lose your phone regularly at… Read More »Suggested Mobile’s Applications
Medical students can participate in questionnaires about all subjects below : English language III Principles of Microbiology (Prof. Alkarsani) Principles of Microbiology (Dr.Nuha) Principles of Pathology (Dr. Mohammed Ahmed) Principles of Pathology (Dr. Namarig) Biochemistry II (Dr. Nada) Biochemistry II (Lab) Physiology II (Dr. Muhaned) Physiology II (Dr.Sara) Physiology II (Dr. Mazin) Dental students can participate in questionnaires about all subjects below : Head & Neck (Anatomy) (Dr. Shazli) Head & Neck (Anatomy) (Dr.Omer Tag-elsir)… Read More »Semester’s 3 Questionnaires
Medical & Dental students can participate in questionnaire about all subjects below : Anatomy Arabic Language English Language Islamic Studies Computer Science Human Biology Chemistry Physics Mathematics IT students can participate in questionnaire about all subjects below : Arabic Language English Language Islamic Studies Computer Science Mathematics Economic Fundamentals IT Fundamentals Views: 155
فاز فريق طب اسنان المستوي الثاني لكرة القدم على فريق تقنية معلومات ب 4 اهداف لهدفين وبذلك يفوز الفريق بكاس دوري الكلية لعام 2016 :2017 Views: 151
Napata’s dean proffesor Elzubair Bashir Taha has participated in 5th International Conference of the International Association of Muslim Psychologists,Jakarta on the 5Th of November, as an invitation from University of Gadja Mada, Indonisia. Views: 218
First year students timetable timetable-of-1st-year-2016-2017 Second year Timetable -Faculty of Dentistry timetable-dentistry-2nd-grade Second year Timetable-Faculty of Medicine timetable-medicine-2nd-year Views: 194
Information Technology (IT) students have started their 3rd semester by making two important visits: 1st one to Ministry of Communication and the 2nd one to Ashrooq channel in which they were exposed to most recent advanced technologies on their institutions. Views: 164
Napata College has made all necessary preparations to start the academic year 2016/2017 on Saturday ,5th November for all classes:Medicine,Dentistry and Information Technology.Students are advised to be punctual and not miss any of their lectures as their attendance will be part of the academic performance.Students are also advised to study the calendar of the year as part of their plans to the first and second semester.Good luck and happy new… Read More »Academic year 2016/2017 will commence on 5th November
Prof.Jess Ghannam, Department of Psychology ,University of California visited Napata college during his visit to Sudan.He gave a lecture to medicine students and also held a meeting with Sudanese Psychology Society. Views: 215
Napata College students began examinations for the first semester in 2015-2016 year.Exams between 14 February and 25 February.The administration wishes best of luck to all examiners. Views: 196
Napata football team champions win 2:1 Almanara college in a friendley football game.Musab and Hammody scored the goals. Views: 182
To provide modernized, relevant and transformable academic programs that satisfy the needs of our local, national and global communities. To provide modernized, relevant and transformable academic programs that satisfy the needs of our local, national and global communities.
Through an implementation of robust quality assurance regime NAPATA College hopes to obtain in five years quality certificates from ISO and other regional and international accreditation institutions. Views: 291
To reach international levels in standards while maintaining local values and culture. Views: 274
To create an advanced educational and research environment for our students and researchers.To create an advanced educational and research environment for our students and researchers.
ICT techniques shall be heavily utilized in teaching and evaluation with regular evaluation processes that procures continuous promotion of academic dynamics. Views: 135
To integrate the academic programmers with psychological counseling programmers thus emphasizing the characteristics of our university college as a truly modernized academic institution. Views: 132
Help establish and finance technology incubators to avail jobs for talented students to run their own entrepreneur companies before launching their enterprises in the broad technology investment market. Views: 135
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