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Useful programs for health care professionals

Here are Some useful program links from Stanford University for health care professionals,we advice you to take a look at: From executives to team leaders to individual learners at home, Stanford Online offers a variety of courses and programs designed to fit your learning goals, budget, and schedule. Each of our online courses is taught by renowned Stanford faculty, covering a wide range of topics, including genetics, biomedical data science,… Read More »Useful programs for health care professionals

Ramdan Mubarak !

The Napata College family extends its warmest congratulations to the Islamic world and  and to all students, faculty, and staff of the college, on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan. We pray that Allah accepts our good deeds and yours, and that peace, security, and stability prevail over our beloved Sudan.  Ramadan Mubarak Views: 5

Napata Scientific Journal :Call For Papers 1/8/2024


An invitation to collaborate : Free Workshop For WordPress Plugins

Join us for a thrilling, Eng.Huda Elzubair (Napata college website admin) in collaboration with goDaddy team to put  hands-on exploration of WordPress plugin development! This enlightening, 90-minute workshop in Arabic is designed to equip you with the essential skills you need to create your very own mini WordPress plugin. Whether you’re a novice WordPress user eager to extend your site’s functionality, or a seasoned developer looking to brush up on… Read More »An invitation to collaborate : Free Workshop For WordPress Plugins

Napata 3rd Scientific Conference 2023 On Environmental Conservation “Conserving the Sudan Environment: Problems and Solutions”

Napata Colleague regrets to postpone the Winter Conference 2023 announced to convene in December 2023 now that the security conditions in Sudan do not allow this conference to be convened until further notice. We assure all those who have expressed their intention to participate in this conference that we shall work to convene as the conditions permit, and that we shall keep them informed in the course of time.Apology for… Read More »Napata 3rd Scientific Conference 2023 On Environmental Conservation “Conserving the Sudan Environment: Problems and Solutions”


Centre for Science & Technology of Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Centre), is announcing the coming workshop under the title: Enhancing and Strengthening Regional Open Science Implementation Mechanism, during 8 – 10 March 2023, at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. WE REQUEST ALL RELEVANT ACADEMIC STAFF IN NAPATA TO APPLY FOR PARTICIPATION. Malaysia ISTIC_Regional OS Workshop Concept Note Regional Workshop on Open Science Implementation Mechanism Views: 53

ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE COMING NAM CENTER WORKSHOP Enhancing and Strengthening Regional Open Science Implementation Mechanism, 8 – 10 March 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. WE REQUEST ALL RELEVANT ACADEMIC STAFF IN NAPATA TO APPLY FOR PARTICIPATION.

ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE COMING NAM CENTER WORKSHOP Enhancing and Strengthening Regional Open Science Implementation Mechanism, 8 – 10 March 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. WE REQUEST ALL RELEVANT ACADEMIC STAFF IN NAPATA TO APPLY FOR PARTICIPATION. All Member Countries of the NAM S&T Centre Dear Sir/Madam,   Subject:     Regional Workshop on Enhancing and Strengthening Regional Open Science Implementation Mechanism, 8 – 10 March 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Greetings from the Centre for… Read More »ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE COMING NAM CENTER WORKSHOP Enhancing and Strengthening Regional Open Science Implementation Mechanism, 8 – 10 March 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. WE REQUEST ALL RELEVANT ACADEMIC STAFF IN NAPATA TO APPLY FOR PARTICIPATION.

The Reception of New Students

Napata College Student Affairs Secretariat Congratulations to the students on the new academic year and wishes you success and excellence The program will be the reception of new students As follows:– Saturday 18/2 Exhibition opening —————————— Sunday 19/2 ⭕ Continuation of exhibitions ⭕ National costume day for all students TRADITIONAL DAY —————————— Monday 20/2 closing day ⭕ Entertainment cultural celebration with student s’ talents ⭕ As the exhibitions continue Views:… Read More »The Reception of New Students

Napata College leaps forward globally, in the Arab and African countries in the International Classification of Universities (WEBOMETRICS)

Napata College has achieved a great leap forward in the first issue of the year 2023 of the International Classification of Universities. Globally it rose up 738 points. In the Arab World it rose up 31 points. In the African Continent it was up 63, and 25 points rise within the group of North African Countries. These outstanding achievements have come out of the multitude of efforts exerted in the… Read More »Napata College leaps forward globally, in the Arab and African countries in the International Classification of Universities (WEBOMETRICS)

Conference Of Rectors of African Universities is Calling For Papers

Association Of African Universities and University of Namibia are calling for papers for the : Conference Of Rectors ,Vice Chancellors and Presidents of African Universities . The conference theme is Advancing Excellence in African Higher Education. The conference will be held in Windhoek, Namibia. Deadline of submission is on 25th, May  2023. Napata College is encouraging everyone to participate in this opportunity. For more details check : Emails –… Read More »Conference Of Rectors of African Universities is Calling For Papers

Sudan Manual For Medical Emergencies :A new book by Prof.Hasan Abuaisha & Dr. Elwaleed M Elhassan

Sudan Manual For Medical Emergencies :A new book co-authored by Prof.Hasan Abuaisha :professor in Nephrology medicine and Napata college consultant & Dr. Elwaleed Mohamed Elhassan :consultant in Nephrology medicine and hypertension. The book is also coauthored by a group of experts and dedicated teachers.The book is updated and expanded its material .The book also covers emergencies that relates to cardiovascular systems and much more topics.     Views: 66

Wed. Jan 17, 2023, a lecture about drugs and their eminent and fatal danger was held at Napata Colleg

Wed. Jan 17, 2023, a lecture about drugs and their eminent and fatal danger was held at Napata College, Kafouri by Dr. Abder Rahim Suleiman, Dr. Abdes Samad Ali and Dr. Abden Nasir Osman, head of the Department of Awareness, Information and Public Relations in Customs Police Force of Sudan. This has been done within the tripartite partnership between Napata’s Scientific Research and Innovation Centre, Awareness Department of Sudan Customs… Read More »Wed. Jan 17, 2023, a lecture about drugs and their eminent and fatal danger was held at Napata Colleg

The Visiting American University in Cairo Delegates :: Napata College

A delegation of English teachers from the American University in Cairo led by Dr. A. M. Siddiq, in the accompaniment of two American academics, paid a courtesy visit to Napata College, Tue Dec 27, 2022. They first visited the Dean’s office where they explained the purpose of their visit and then they held an interactive meeting with preliminary year students. They elaborated about the English Language summer school for prospective… Read More »The Visiting American University in Cairo Delegates :: Napata College

The Meeting of Napata Research and Innovation Center (02/2023)

The Meeting of Napata Research and Innovation Centre Napata Third Scientific Conference – Winter 2023: In its 48th meeting the Council Napata Research and Innovation Centre chaired by Prof Hassan Abu Aisha decided to hold the Third Scientific Conference in the fourth, fifth and sixth of December 2023 in Khartoum which includes many research papers the most important of which are: 1. Environment: governance and administrative reform. 2- Environment and… Read More »The Meeting of Napata Research and Innovation Center (02/2023)

The Meeting of Napata Research and Innovation Centre

Napata Third Scientific Conference – Winter 2023: In its 48th meeting the Council Napata Research and Innovation Centre chaired by Prof Hassan Abu Aisha decided to hold the Third Scientific Conference in the fourth, fifth and sixth of December 2023 in Khartoum which includes many research papers the most important of which are: 1. Environment: governance and administrative reform. 2- Environment and institutional reform 3- Environmental issues of land use… Read More »The Meeting of Napata Research and Innovation Centre