The family of Napata College wishes everyone a blessed Ramadan
The family of Napata College wishes everyone a blessed Ramadan Views: 97
The family of Napata College wishes everyone a blessed Ramadan Views: 97
Napata Scientific Journal is almost ready! NAPATA SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL VOLUME 1, EDITION 1 The Research and Innovation Center at Napata College is thrilled to announce the release of its first scientific journal, Napata Scientific Journal, next week! Having a Scientific Journal is an immense step for Napata College, as Scientific journals represent the most vital means for disseminating research findings that will further the progress of Napata College. It… Read More »Napata Scientific Journal is almost ready!
The family of Napata College congratulates Dr. Al-Khair Abdel Mahmoud The family of Napata College congratulates Dr. Al-Khair Abdel Mahmoud, the professor of the medical laboratory program at napata college, for obtaining the degree of the first consultant (chief consultant) in the specialty of tissues, diagnosis and diseased cells. The doctor has obtained this degree with distinction, and scored 4175 points, which is one of the highest points in the… Read More »The family of Napata College congratulates Dr. Al-Khair Abdel Mahmoud
Napata College family sends warm greetings to the Islamic nation,May you all have a blessed Eid. Views: 44
Our participation with the WHO in their informal consultation of people living with non-communicable diseases and mental health conditions Ever since its conceptualization, Napata College has made it abundantly clear that it seeks to transform and modernize medical education in both the Sudan and the world. In an effort to see to it that this conceptualization is made manifest, the college has adopted addressing the ever-growing threat that is non-communicable… Read More »Our participation with the WHO in their informal consultation of people living with non-communicable diseases and mental health conditions
The International Ranking During the meeting of the Dean’s Council on February 20, 2022, one of the weekly meetings that take place. The Dean of the College congratulated all the academic programs of the College on the great progress made by the College in regards to the international ranking. He also praised in particular the great work that the College’s library provides to students and researchers from the College and… Read More »The International Ranking
Napata Research and Innovation Centre Upcoming researches in regards to COVID-19 at Napata College Our staff at Napata Research & Innovation Centre never fails to astonish us with their outstanding research ideas. A meeting conducted during the 12th of February 13, 2022 has opened a gate filled with research ideas which will be implemented very soon regarding COVID-19, and its potential effects on the liver within the Sudanese population as… Read More »Upcoming researches in regards to COVID-19 at Napata College
Out of their belief in their responsibility towards society and their belief in the great message that the association carries, the Association is currently implementing and has been throughout the month of February various and exciting activities that include seminars, awareness lectures, community visits and exhibitions, coinciding with the celebration of the World Cancer Day. In a meeting of the delegate of the website accompanying the events with the poet… Read More »The Association of Medical and Surgery Students
Conference theme : premier forum for the presentation of new advances of research in different scientific fields. All full paper submissions will be peer-reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and/or research depth, accuracy, and relevance to conference theme and topics. Submission Paper Submission Deadline: 15 March, 2022 Authors Notification: 20 April. 2022 Final Manuscript Due: 28 April. 2022 Please submit your papers to: For more information contact :… Read More »First Scientific Conference for NAPATA College : Call For Papers
In the previous days, the courtyards and halls of Napata College witnessed various celebrations on the occasion of the end of the exams for the academic year 2020-2021 at various levels (except for the first academic level). Where the families of the students participated in this occasion with great joy, especially since the school year witnessed a number of obstacles and challenges related to health conditions, security conditions and difficulty… Read More »Celebrations of students and their families at the end of the academic year 2020/2021
The start of registration for Napata College from Wednesday 19/1/2022 until Wednesday 2/2/2022 Views: 210
The Meroitic script developed to write the Meroitic language at the beginning of the Meroitic Period (3rd century BC) of the Kingdom of Kush.Here are some Pictures of the Meroitic script: Views: 950
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In an attempt to improve rural health care quality service Napata College team led a medical mission to rural west Omdurman area.Wadi Elrawakeeb (Elrawakeeb Valley) was the destination for this medical mission.The mission was held 3 days there. Medical program staff as well as Managment staff participated and coordinated 8 various clinics consisting of consultants, specialists, deputies and general doctors for : -Surgery Clinic – Esoteric Clinic -Pediatrics Clinic -Women’s… Read More »Successful Medical Mission to Elrawakeeb Valley-Omdurman
Napata College family sends a congratulatory message to all of the Islamic world on the occasion of the blessed Hijri New Year 1443 .Our family asks God Almighty to grant you continued health and wellness, and wishes you a year of goodness, mercy and forgiveness. Views: 467
Views: 380
In collaboration with the Innovation for Cool Earth Forum (ICEF), the Clean Energy Ministerial CCUS Initiative will hold a webinar on “Biomass Carbon Removal and Storage (BiCRS)“ on Wednesday, 16 June, 2021 at 14:00 CET & Khartoum Time (21:00 JST). BiCRS is a new term introduced by ICEF Roadmap team leader Mr. David Sandalow, and in this interactive webinar the authors of this roadmap and Mr. Nobuo Tanaka, Chair of… Read More »An invitation to collaborate :Biomass Carbon Removal and Storage webinar!
Workshop Entitled : Introduction of Bioinformatics Napata medical research center organized an online one day workshop entitled: Introduction of bioinformatics Presented by Miss Rown E.Zaid , Bioinformatics PhD candidate at University of Auckland . the link : Views: 480
REMEMBERING A MURABBI SESSION The academics, students and alumni of the International Islamic University Malaysia and the whole Psychology community are in deep sorrow on the passing of the great Professor Malik Badri on February 8th, 2021. Prof Malik Badri was a Professor in Department of Psychology, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (KRKHS); and the Chair of Ibnu Khaldun, IIUM. In relation to this, the Kulliyyah of… Read More »REMEMBERING A MURABBI SESSION
The Centre for Science and Technology of Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Centre) International Workshop on “Energy Security and Energy Access: Health Implications of Poor Energy Quality in Developing Countries” [In Virtual Mode] Greetings from the Centre for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Centre)!! Energy is an essential part of innovation, progress and life. It plays vital roles, directly as well… Read More »International Workshop on “Energy Security and Energy Access: Health Implications of Poor Energy Quality in Developing Countries” [In Virtual Mode]